1003 Legacy Ranch Road, Suite 102, Waxahachie, TX 75165
1880 Santa Fe Drive Suite 100 Weatherford, TX 76086
Name | Title | Phone | Licensed | |
Alma Hernandez | Call Coordinator | (214) 217-4257 | almahernandez@judgefite.com | |
Amber Baldwin | Property Manager | (214) 217-4251 | amberbaldwin@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Barbie McClary | Call Coordinator | (214) 217-4235 | barbiemcclary@judgefite.com | |
Brenda Martinez | Property Manager | (214) 217-4247 | brendamartinez@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Danielle Hall | Regional Manager | (214) 217-4255 | daniellehall@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Deborah Carter | Property Manager | (214) 217-4246 | deborahcarter@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Debra Lowery | Administrative Coordinator | (214) 217-4246 | debralowery@judgefite.com | |
Elizabeth Cereceda | Accounting | (214) 217-4245 | elizabethcereceda@judgefite.com | |
Jami Walker | Administrative Coordinator - Team Lead | (214) 446-2579 | jamiwalker@judgefite.com | |
Jessica Torres | Property Manager | (214) 217-5722 | jessicatorres@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Jessie Vanciel | Property Manager | (214) 446-2579 | jessievanciel@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Jewel Johnson | Property Manager - Team Lead | (214) 217-4240 | jeweljohnson@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Jewels Calderon | Application Closer | (214) 217-4239 | jewelscalderon@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Jim Lewis | Business Development | (214) 217-4250 | jimlewis@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Kayla Moody | Sr. Administrative Coordinator | (214) 217-4254 | kaylamoody@judgefite.com | |
Kimberly Martinez | Administrative Coordinator | (214) 217-4241 | kimberlymartinez@judgefite.com | |
Krystin Jernigan | Administrative Coordinator | (214) 446-1037 | krystinjernigan@judgefite.com | |
Lori Fisher | President | (214) 217-4233 | lorifisher@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Lynne Brown | Application Department | (214) 217-4248 | lynnebrown@judgefite.com | |
Madison Sullivan | Property Manager | (214) 446-1038 | madisonsullivan@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Mia George | Executive Assistant | (214) 446-1036 | miageorge@judgefite.com | |
Micah Boerger | Accounting | (214) 217-4238 | micahboerger@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Michael Herring | Property Manager | (214) 217-4261 | michaelherring@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Miranda Herring | Director of Business Development | (214) 217-4262 | mirandaherring@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Patti Kaufman | Accounting - Team Lead | (214) 446-1040 | pattikaufman@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Raylene Nail | Property Manager | (214) 217-4263 | raylenenail@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Rhonda Chapman | Property Manager - Team Lead | (214) 217-4243 | rhondachapman@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Shanon Adams | Marketing | (214) 217-4234 | shanonadams@judgefite.com | |
Sherri Garr | Utility & Utility & Rental Registration Specialist | (214) 217-4242 | sherrigarr@judgefite.com | |
Shira Thompson | Property Manager | (972) 780-5380 | shirathompson@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Stephanie Collings | Sr. Property Manager | (214) 217-4256 | stephaniecollings@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Timothy Bishop | Property Manager | (214)-217-4249 | timothybishop@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Tonia Ray | Property Manager | (214) 217-4253 | toniaray@judgefite.com | ✓ |
Tonya Adams | Administrative Coordinator | (214)-217-4241 | tonyaadams@judgefite.com | |
T: (972) 780-5380
F: (972) 780-5390
1003 Legacy Ranch Road, Suite 102, Waxahachie, TX 75165
Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
1003 Legacy Ranch Road, Suite 102, Waxahachie, TX 75165
CENTURY 21® and the CENTURY 21 Logo are registered service marks owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Any services or products provided by independently owned and operated franchisees are not provided by, affiliated with or related to Century 21 Real Estate LLC nor any of its affiliated companies.
CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Property Management Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Information, property description, and availability on this site is deemed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and may change without notice.
CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Property Management Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: Information, property description, and availability on this site is deemed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and may change without notice. CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Property Management will not be held liable for any error, misinformation, or misinterpretation of content and advertising.